Hey, we are Marli.dev!

Hey, we are Marli.dev!

From Frustration to Innovation: The Journey of cdm.wtf

The Problem: It all started in a bustling real estate office in downtown Berlin. Our founder, Steven, a seasoned product manager with a passion for real estate, faced a daily battle with Excel. Hours were spent wrestling with disorganized data, correcting errors, and struggling with inefficient data entry processes. Excel, a tool meant to simplify data management, was ironically contributing to frustration and inefficiency.

The ‘Aha’ Moment

One particularly challenging day, after correcting the same data entry error for the umpteenth time, Steve exclaimed, “Why the frustration?!” It was this moment of exasperation that sparked an idea. What if there was a way to make Excel work smarter, not harder, especially for professionals in data-intensive fields like real estate and finance?

The Creation

Steve teamed up with ChatGPT, a software developer and old college friend, to transform this idea into reality. They started brainstorming, coding, and testing. Their mission was clear: develop a plugin that could streamline data management, automate repetitive tasks, and ensure data integrity in Excel.

After countless hours of development, testing, and refinement, cdm.wtf was born. The name, a playful nod to the exclamation that started it all, represents the essence of the plugin – an end to the frustration caused by common data management problems in Excel.

The Impact

Since its launch, cdm.wtf has revolutionized data entry for professionals in the real estate and finance sectors. It’s not just a tool; it’s a solution born out of real-world frustration and a deep understanding of the challenges faced by data professionals. Today, cdm.wtf is more than a plugin. It’s a community of professionals who believe in efficiency, accuracy, and the power of well-managed data.

As we continue to grow, our commitment remains the same: to empower professionals with a tool that turns Excel into an ally, not a challenge. We’re constantly evolving, integrating new features and capabilities, all driven by feedback from our community of users – the real heroes in our story.